Living A Simplified Life!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Snow, Snow and More Snow!


I can't believe it!  More snow is predicted for Thursday and Friday of this week and then the weatherman says very casually, hold onto your hats folks, if weather patterns don't change we will have snow all next week as well!

I don't know about any of you, but I am so anxious for spring I can't stand it.  I want warmth and sunshine!  I am one of these creatures that can handle heat much better than I can handle the cold!  Never thought I'd say it, but I think I can actually handle the spring threats of tornado warnings better than all this snow and ice!  Of course I am also one of those "chickens" that has an underground tornado shelter to run to!

I am so anxious to get outside and till up the ground and get my garden growing and get out the paint brush and do the painting that needs to be done on the enclosure to the patio.  I want to be able to go outside and grill a burger and mow the grass!

Come on Spring!

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